Scripture: 1 Samuel 30:8 

 When David discovered that he had lost his family and possessions, he asked God a question. "Shall I pursue?" God responded with a direct answer, "Pursue." The Hebrew word that they both used for "pursue" literally means "to run after quickly."

I have never seen a dream succeed if the dreamer did not pursue whatever it was that he or she dreamed about. Walt Disney said "all of our dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them".   A goal never moves toward the one who set's it. The goal setter must pursue the goal or else watch it fade away into the list of things that were never accomplished. Even faith is diminished to a mere wish if the one who has faith is not willing to pursue whatever it is that they claim to believe in. "Name it and claim it, blab it and grab it" is simply not enough. If you want to view it then you must pursue it.

Did you start this year with a list of dreams and goals? How many of those have you pursued? Only the ones you pursued have succeeded. Spend more time pursuing and less time dreaming and hoping. Go after it!