Scripture:  Psalm 47:4

"He chose our inheritance for us............" (NIV)

I love it when my wife shops for me. I can specifically remember her buying me a nice and very costly ink pen. After a few months of having the pen, I lost it. So that she would not know what had occurred, I went out and bought another one just like it. One night while emptying my pockets I laid the new pen on the night stand not knowing that the other one had been found. Now that I was busted, I told her what I had done. She made a statement that I will never forget. She said "I can't believe you spent that much money on a pen for yourself." It was perfectly acceptable for her to spend that amount on me but spending it on myself surprised her. She tends to buy nicer things for me than I would buy for myself. 

Psalm 47:4 reads, "He chose our inheritance for us." When the Sons of Korah would sing Psalm 47, they would be celebrating the fact that God had not allowed them to choose their own inheritance. They knew that God wanted them to have the best and it was exceedingly and abundantly above anything that they could imagine. God has already acted in our behalf and has chosen our inheritance for us. 

If God does not give you what you want, accept what he wants you to have. The latter is the better selection and in the end, you will not be disappointed.