Strength Of Vulnerability

Genesis 42: 9; 42:12 “You have come to see how vulnerable our land has become.”(NLT)

On a recent trip to the grocerystore I was sitting in my car putting on my mask and watching the people. I observed that every person, from the youngest to the eldest,was wearing a maskdue to Covid-19. People were getting out of Teslas, Mercedes, Kias and some even securing their bicycles to light polesbut regardlessof status, there was the common feature of maskedfaces. I marvelled that we were all responding to something that we normally avoid; vulnerability.

Twice in Genesis 42, Joseph accuses his brothers of being spies that were trying to see the vulnerability of Egypt. They denied the accusation in verse 9 and Joseph repeats it again in verse 12. He said it twice emphasizing his serious concern.“How dare you investigate myweaknessand see my vulnerability.”

Vulnerability is “the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.”We don’t like vulnerability. We think that vulnerability isaweakness.Vulnerabilityactually demonstrates that we are strong enough to be weak, which in and of itself is a strength.The people with the mask were admittingthat we were weak in relation to the virus itself but strong and wise enough to do what is necessary to manage it.

Dr. Brene’Brown says “when we pretend that we can avoid vulnerability, we engage in behaviours that are often inconsistent with who we want to be.”Vulnerability is a reality.Efforts to avoid it are futile. Let it be a strength and not a weakness.